LAU Innovation Center

Ways to Get Involved


  1. Get comprehensive support from our mentors and trainers

  2. Get access to clients from LAU network

  3. Receive adequate funding

  4. Develop your skills and accelerate your knowledge


  1. Give back to the community your valuable experience

  2. Inspire new pioneering LAU entrepreneurs

  3. Support Lebanese start-ups and contribute to the economy

  4. Grow your network and knowledge

  5. Gain exposure to new businesses and ideas


  1. Share your knowledge and train top-grade innovators

  2. Innovate your course deliverables based on market needs

  3. Engage with the future leaders of the economy

  4. Benefit from the space and network of LAU’s Innovation Center


  1. Invest early on in vetted ventures and teams

  2. De-risk your investment by owning equity in a diverse pool of startups

  3. Gain real-time insights into your potential investment opportunities via our platform